Guam - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Guam Index / Locations Transcripts (34) Nancy Sutley remember. I think the governor of Guam was a Republican and was part of this... ...that is, in March of 2010, you visited Guam as the United States military had plan... ...bit about what you heard from those in Guam about a potential military buildup, an... of Okinawa and relocate them to Guam . My understanding is that they didn'... ...that they didn't tell the government of Guam before they agreed to this, and that i... ...of new bases, or expansion of bases on Guam , which is not a very big place an... ...with 180,000 people. The government in Guam was generally supportive of th... ...wasn't unanimity in the government of Guam on this. Then, there were federa... ...power plants. The wastewater agency in Guam was basically under EPA's supervision... ...agencies, and then I ended up going to Guam . The president was supposed to b... ...and Air Force One was going to stop in Guam for refueling, and he was going t... ...lot of requests from the government of Guam , “We want to talk to the presiden... ...the president was going to stop in Guam , address the troops, but I was goin... ...then go and meet with the government of Guam and others about this, and hear fro... ...about this, and hear from the people in Guam directly. It was in the middle of th... ...getting there, but two or three days in Guam meeting with the government of Guam... Guam meeting with the government of Guam , meeting with a number of NGOs an... ...that adding all these people in Guam would make the island tip over. Anyway... with folks. I spent a lot of time on Guam . You traveled in an official capacit... ...sense it was validating to the folks on Guam that if they couldn't get th... ...raised. But they had an opportunity. Guam is really far away from Washington, s... ...interactions, those multiple trips to Guam , and your involvement in those affair... ...Maybe the lasting legacy of my trip to Guam was that the DOD and Navy folks in th... ...that he had been scheduled to stop in Guam and then didn't stop in Guam, did h... stop in Guam and then didn't stop in Guam , did he want to know what you... say, “The president is not going to Guam , but you should still go.” I'm like... ...with people outside of government in Guam . That second category of interactions... ...priorities for the government of Guam , but they were priorities for parts o... ...and hiking up and down the cliffs of Guam to see this archeological site. It di... ...would include getting to know issues in Guam and people in Guam well. [Laughs... know issues in Guam and people in Guam well. [Laughs] Yes, that is a fai..., and thanks for talking to us about Guam as well. Those were some ver... ...thought, Oh my god, I get to talk about Guam . Yes, and we're so pleased that yo... Show more... Nancy-Ann DeParle ...gorgeous. Then we left and went to Guam , I guess, first, and then to, I think... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon