Israel - Obama Presidency Oral History Israel Index / Locations Transcript (6) Nancy-Ann DeParle ...Then I said, “And I want to go to Israel ,” and he said, “We'll definitely go t... ...with, and I said, “We never did go to Israel .” Then he showed me someplace we wen... ...I made. I was supposed to get to go to Israel with him, but we decided not to do tha... ...Then I said, “And I want to go to Israel ,” and he said, “We'll definitely go t... ...with, and I said, “We never did go to Israel .” Then he showed me someplace we wen... ...I made. I was supposed to get to go to Israel with him, but we decided not to do tha... Show more... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon