Mexico - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Mexico Index / Locations Transcripts (49) Carol Browner ...northern Florida on the Gulf of Mexico —the last undeveloped sugar san... out into all levels of the Gulf [of Mexico ]. And scientists are still studyin... ...out there in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico .” And it's like, “Yes, well, that'... ...thirty wells out in the Gulf of Mexico . I told you earlier, one of th... ...that were functioning in the Gulf of Mexico at the time of Deepwater Horizon wa... ...long-term for the health of the Gulf of Mexico —there have been some studies on it. ... ...northern Florida on the Gulf of Mexico —the last undeveloped sugar san... out into all levels of the Gulf [of Mexico ]. And scientists are still studyin... ...out there in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico .” And it's like, “Yes, well, that'... ...thirty wells out in the Gulf of Mexico . I told you earlier, one of th... ...that were functioning in the Gulf of Mexico at the time of Deepwater Horizon wa... ...long-term for the health of the Gulf of Mexico —there have been some studies on it. ... Show more... Don Verrilli ...the White House, you had the Gulf [of Mexico ] oil spill, the BP oil spill. Tha... Frances Beinecke ...of 2010. I know you visited the Gulf of Mexico in May of 2010 to see the scene of th... Heather Zichal ...“mid and south Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico ” as well as in Alaska. He als... ...what are the areas in the Gulf of Mexico that we think we could potentially liv... ...the US. Ultimately, we got Canada and Mexico to embrace our same standards. So w... ...“mid and south Atlantic and the Gulf of Mexico ” as well as in Alaska. He als... ...what are the areas in the Gulf of Mexico that we think we could potentially liv... ...the US. Ultimately, we got Canada and Mexico to embrace our same standards. So w... Show more... Kathleen Sebelius ...than people in Canada, than people in Mexico ; that it made no sense that som... Max Baucus ...drugs coming down from Canada—from Mexico , so forth. And I understand that. S... Regina Benjamin the states that border the Gulf of Mexico , they have the poorest health outcome... Steven Chu ...Deepwater Horizon [oil spill, Gulf of Mexico , April 20, 2010]. Could you describe ... ...deep from the surface of the Gulf of Mexico to where the wellhead was, and the... ...pathways to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico , and then you've got a completel... ...Deepwater Horizon [oil spill, Gulf of Mexico , April 20, 2010]. Could you describe ... ...deep from the surface of the Gulf of Mexico to where the wellhead was, and the... ...pathways to the bottom of the Gulf of Mexico , and then you've got a completel... Show more... Todd Stern ...on the margins of the MEF meeting in Cuernavaca , in Mexico, in June where he wa... ...of the MEF meeting in Cuernavaca, in Mexico , in June where he was talking about ... ...India, Brazil, South Africa, Indonesia, Mexico , South Korea, we were good. An... ...have a Major Economies Forum meeting in Mexico . We're talking about this, and he'... ...the next year, where the COP was in Cancún , was all about taking all of tha... ...process of bringing the substance into Cancún , we didn't let it get messed up... ...Moon Palace [laughs] hotel at COP 16 in Cancún , on the second-to-last day, I think. ... all: “We just agreed to things in Cancún ; leave it be. There's one side that'... ...Bolivia. One country tried to stop the Cancún agreement from happening, basicall... Copenhagen, and then confirmed in Cancún , was for developed countries t... on a path. Then, essentially, Cancún takes the Copenhagen outcome, which wa... ...the next year, where the COP was in Cancún , was all about taking all of tha... ...process of bringing the substance into Cancún , we didn't let it get messed up... ...Moon Palace [laughs] hotel at COP 16 in Cancún , on the second-to-last day, I think. ... all: “We just agreed to things in Cancún ; leave it be. There's one side that'... ...Bolivia. One country tried to stop the Cancún agreement from happening, basicall... Copenhagen, and then confirmed in Cancún , was for developed countries t... on a path. Then, essentially, Cancún takes the Copenhagen outcome, which wa... Show more... Arun Majumdar ...Deepwater [Horizon oil spill, Gulf of Mexico , April 20, 2010], so if we keep an ey... Load more Transcripts Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon