Oxford, United Kingdom - Obama Presidency Oral History Oxford, United Kingdom Index / Locations Transcript (9) Bill McKibben ...and the University of California, and Oxford , and Cambridge to divest, becaus... Sylvia Burwell ...on your future leadership. My time in Oxford was incredible. What an incredibl... ...married, one of my best friends at Oxford . We did this ballroom dance thing, an... Zeke Emanuel ...at Amherst and studied biochemistry at Oxford and received your MD and PhD fro... Nancy-Ann DeParle ...was curious about your time at Oxford , after the University of Tennessee... ...Absolutely. Yes. So, I went to Oxford —it was a bit of a whimsical thing. M... ...article about the first women at Oxford , the first women Rhodes scholars. I... ...as well, and won it. Then getting to Oxford , yes. The college I chose, Balliol... ...views were challenged while you were at Oxford , do you think you came back to th... Related Topics go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy go to the Healthcare Healthcare Russia Coming soon Arts and Humanities Coming soon Public Health Coming soon