Bold Nebraska - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Bold Nebraska Index / Organizations Transcript Art and Helen Tanderup ...landowners and, of course, eventually Bold Nebraska , in organizing to oppose the Keyston... ...Back after they announced this route, Bold Nebraska started attending—TransCanada wa... ...Jane Kleeb was the founder of Bold Nebraska . She brought us all together. You loo... together with other activists and Bold Nebraska , did you think of yourselves a... an interesting story. Jane Kleeb of Bold Nebraska calls me up and she says, “Hey, Art. ... ...cowboy image was one of the workers for Bold Nebraska , and then the Native was our frien... ...planting of the Ponca corn on our land. Bold Nebraska was looking for someplace on the Ponc... ...and Protect. And out here, we were Bold Nebraska . We were sending postcards. We wer... ...with the Cowboy Indian Alliance and Bold Nebraska —most of them understood, and it didn'... Show more... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon