Sierra Club - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Sierra Club Index / Organizations Transcript Andrew Stern ...Money Is Like Yeast] 's List, the Sierra Club , Center for American Progress, SEIU, ... ...that we would, with groups like the Sierra Club and the NAACP [National Association fo... Bill McKibben hoc basis. You didn't need to be the Sierra Club , though the Sierra Club quickly becam... ...need to be the Sierra Club, though the Sierra Club quickly became a huge help in all thi... ...Suddenly, it was the head of the Sierra Club , even the head of quite conservativ... Carol Browner ...example, Mike Bloomberg funded for the Sierra Club . He gave them fifty million dollars... Courtney Hight ...then in late 2011 headed to the Sierra Club , where she—I believe this i... ...I think the field director for the Sierra Club , who I now work with—he had a contact... ...Then, what about your decision to join Sierra Club ? What was that transition like fo... ...So that was part of the appeal. Then Sierra Club , I had worked with them while I was a... power and engage people to do it. Sierra Club is one of the few nationa... ...the way we have it. So that's why the Sierra Club has been—I've pivoted into that afte... ...the administration in your role at the Sierra Club ? A little. I had some. Not a to... Show more... Frances Beinecke ...Carl Pope, who was then the head of the Sierra Club , had deep roots with the labo... ...we had a lot of members, we weren't the Sierra Club . Sierra Club has always had chapters... ...of members, we weren't the Sierra Club. Sierra Club has always had chapters. [National... ...I learned from the other organizations, Sierra Club and Environment America, how crucia... ...of Conservation Voters, and to the Sierra Club , which had a political side. Th... ...Club, which had a political side. The Sierra Club had lost their tax exemption years ago... Show more... Heather Zichal ...for the New Jersey chapter of the Sierra Club , which is a volunteer position. At th... I know that while you were at the Sierra Club you met Rush Holt, who was at the tim... ...was, as the political director for the Sierra Club , obviously focused on, Well, if we'v... ...same with environmental groups like the Sierra Club , for whom you'd worked, or Greenpeace... ...Defense Fund], you mentioned Sierra Club . There was broad support from, at th... Nancy Sutley ...of the assembly. Fran Pavley and the Sierra Club —I think Sierra Club had approached he... ...Fran Pavley and the Sierra Club—I think Sierra Club had approached her about carrying thi... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon