British Petroleum - Obama Presidency Oral History Back British Petroleum Index / Organizations Transcript Carol Browner ...lobby about fossil fuel extraction, the BP [PLC] oil spill happens just a fe... ...important. One is the negotiation with BP to have them put money on the table. ... ...a disaster for Obama. So I called the BP people. We started the negotiations. W... ...that we weren't running it, that BP hired [Kenneth R.] Feinberg, and he wa... ...paid for would have been this much. BP could decide to pay for that much. Tha... ...being responsive, we got this deal with BP to deal with the financials that jus... ...developed a formula. So I'm not sure BP thinks it was a great idea. I'm no..., not too long ago, “You know, after BP 's experience, you guys got all thi... ...CAFE standards were set, but before the BP oil spill, to the spring of 2010. Yo... ...and they were not increased post- BP . In other words, there was no plan... ...and climate change in the aftermath of BP ? I left not too long after. But ... ...with the legislative process. You have BP . So I think what the focus became, an... ...lobby about fossil fuel extraction, the BP [PLC] oil spill happens just a fe... ...important. One is the negotiation with BP to have them put money on the table. ... ...a disaster for Obama. So I called the BP people. We started the negotiations. W... ...that we weren't running it, that BP hired [Kenneth R.] Feinberg, and he wa... ...paid for would have been this much. BP could decide to pay for that much. Tha... ...being responsive, we got this deal with BP to deal with the financials that jus... ...developed a formula. So I'm not sure BP thinks it was a great idea. I'm no..., not too long ago, “You know, after BP 's experience, you guys got all thi... ...CAFE standards were set, but before the BP oil spill, to the spring of 2010. Yo... ...and they were not increased post- BP . In other words, there was no plan... ...and climate change in the aftermath of BP ? I left not too long after. But ... ...with the legislative process. You have BP . So I think what the focus became, an... Show more... Don Verrilli ...had the Gulf [of Mexico] oil spill, the BP oil spill. That was, at the time, a... ...was a twenty-billion-dollar fund that BP agreed to create over a several-yea... ...person negotiating that deal with BP , but I worked closely with Tom o... ...other meetings with the president. When BP came in to finalize th... Frances Beinecke the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill an... I recall. It might've been a BP refinery. I'm not sure what company i... ...wanted to ask about the BP oil spill, but first I just wanted t... ...thanks for sharing that with us. The BP oil spill began at the end of April o... ...control in cleaning it up, because it's BP 's responsibility overseen by the Coas... ...only the problems that had led to the BP oil spill. And I wanted to ask abou... ...policy or to simply write about the BP oil spill itself. First of all, it'... ...because the level of fines that BP had under Natural Resource Damag... you look back at it now, the BP oil spill, which occurred two week... ...watching the leading global companies, BP , Halliburton, Transocean—even thoug... Show more... Heather Zichal back and was taken off of duty at BP . I remember, he had come to explai... ...Ethanol, transmission policy, and the BP oil spill. [Laughter] Those are m... ...person isn't getting their check from BP and we need to figure out how to fi... ...spray dispersants. We could get the BP trust fund up and running. We coul... up and running. We could encourage BP to help fund some domesti... And speaking about the BP oil spill, and particularly speakin... ...speaking about you during the BP oil spill, David Axelrod once said i... ...human beings are built to work,” as the BP oil spill unfolded. I wanted to ask yo... ...being some criticism about letting the BP oil spill take over too much of the ai... ...about cap and trade evolved after the BP oil spill in the summer of 2010. I'v... back and was taken off of duty at BP . I remember, he had come to explai... ...Ethanol, transmission policy, and the BP oil spill. [Laughter] Those are m... ...person isn't getting their check from BP and we need to figure out how to fi... ...spray dispersants. We could get the BP trust fund up and running. We coul... up and running. We could encourage BP to help fund some domesti... And speaking about the BP oil spill, and particularly speakin... ...speaking about you during the BP oil spill, David Axelrod once said i... ...human beings are built to work,” as the BP oil spill unfolded. I wanted to ask yo... ...being some criticism about letting the BP oil spill take over too much of the ai... ...about cap and trade evolved after the BP oil spill in the summer of 2010. I'v... Show more... Lisa Jackson ...cases to enforce against Deepwater and BP and the private entities engaged. S... ...had nothing to do liability wise. But BP as well—as it became clear that the... ...up into the eventual settlement with BP , which included penalties and money... Regina Benjamin April of 2010, which is when the BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill happens... Steven Chu after day after day. The guys at BP [plc], they, kind of, laughed at that... ...not looking for petroleum engineers.” BP had access to a lot of engineers. “I'... ...They were quickly designing this within BP , and a company that they also hired... ...I told Admiral Allen, “From here on in, BP is not to make a move unless we approv... ...a knock down, drag out with the CEO of BP , who finally said, “Okay, look. Giv... ...So, “Thank you very much. Go back to BP . Here are the calculations on that... office and tries to convince me that BP is an anomaly, it's a very risk... ...probably right. From what I've learned, BP did a lot of things in a very risk... ...having to do with disasters, the BP [Deepwater Horizon oil spill] story... ...a little bit, just a tiny bit, to the BP disaster. You mentioned assembling ... ...committee but who were camped out at BP headquarters from the [Department o... ...when I said, “We're going to ask BP to run anything by us before they d... ...gut call. We said leave it. The CEO of BP also knew full well the hazards of ... ...what you do with the public lands. The BP oil spill was in Interior becaus... ...this disinterested team. Was this post BP ? I'm interested in, by then do yo... ...other instances like that, beyond the BP and the fracking question? BP... ...the BP and the fracking question? BP , fracking, shipping. Fukushima, Joh... after day after day. The guys at BP [plc], they, kind of, laughed at that... ...not looking for petroleum engineers.” BP had access to a lot of engineers. “I'... ...They were quickly designing this within BP , and a company that they also hired... ...I told Admiral Allen, “From here on in, BP is not to make a move unless we approv... ...a knock down, drag out with the CEO of BP , who finally said, “Okay, look. Giv... ...So, “Thank you very much. Go back to BP . Here are the calculations on that... office and tries to convince me that BP is an anomaly, it's a very risk... ...probably right. From what I've learned, BP did a lot of things in a very risk... ...having to do with disasters, the BP [Deepwater Horizon oil spill] story... ...a little bit, just a tiny bit, to the BP disaster. You mentioned assembling ... ...committee but who were camped out at BP headquarters from the [Department o... ...when I said, “We're going to ask BP to run anything by us before they d... ...gut call. We said leave it. The CEO of BP also knew full well the hazards of ... ...what you do with the public lands. The BP oil spill was in Interior becaus... ...this disinterested team. Was this post BP ? I'm interested in, by then do yo... ...other instances like that, beyond the BP and the fracking question? BP... ...the BP and the fracking question? BP , fracking, shipping. Fukushima, Joh... Show more... Tom Harkin ...the Upper Big Branch Mine disaster, the BP oil spill happens. Were you surprise... ...just prodded my memory—I remember that BP , that was the one in the Gulf tha... Arun Majumdar ...we all went to Houston to work with BP . Those of us who were in DOE would g... ...each of them an hour or more, with the BP people also presenting things, and w... ...was a big deal. In fact, I showed up in BP and entered a room, and there she was... ...we were looking at the flow, how much. BP initially said about five thousan... ...about this; also people within BP , who were very knowledgeable abou... ...out there. So the problem with the BP oil spill was that there was hardly an... Show more... Nancy Sutley ...Orleans saying, “Not again,” when the BP accident happened. Did the BP oil spil... ...when the BP accident happened. Did the BP oil spill change how the administratio... ...of the damages and penalties that BP would have to pay—that there had to b... ...up being the place where the money that BP had to pay would get resolved. ... Load more Transcripts Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon