Ford - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Ford Index / Organizations Transcript Andrew Stern ...whole industries. They organized Ford , and did not organize a plant; the... Lisa Jackson ...reason, it was their land that Ford Motor Company decided to dump thei... Max Baucus One is Alan Mulally, on how he put Ford [Motor Company] together. And second... ...some success. I mentioned Alan Mulally— Ford Motor, you may know all about. Anyway... ...really—he came over. And he was with Ford after Boeing. Really liked the guy. An... a book about him, how he turned Ford around. Then I read a book, as ... Steven Chu ...biggest loan, our riskiest loan, was to Ford Motor Company, for $6 billion. The OM... ...percent chance of not making it. And Ford came in at fifty percent. That means w... ...Company, Ltd.] also was a big loan. So Ford is slowing up because of COVID [-1... ...Nissan with its Leaf program. We helped Ford design much more energy-efficien... ...bankrupt. They were government owned. Ford planned a little bit better but wa... ...They hocked their logo. That blue Ford logo? They put it in the pawnshop... ...Company] and Chrysler, but I was with Ford . And discussions, again, with th... Show more... Robert Trapp ...out of college, and I was working at Ford Aerospace in Colorado Springs. H... ...I'm looking for Xerox and IBM and Ford Motor to pay the freight, not littl... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon