McKinsey - Obama Presidency Oral History McKinsey Index / Organizations Transcript Aneesh Chopra are either management consulting— McKinsey , BCG [Boston Consulting Group]... Bob Kocher ...2009 to 2010. He was also a partner at McKinsey & Company, where he led the Globa... the United States and globally at McKinsey & Company prior to your time in th... ...Were there ways that your work at McKinsey 's Global Institute informed how yo... fellowship in oncology and went to McKinsey . I told them, “Hello, I understan... ...Through incredible serendipity. At McKinsey I had the pleasure of leading th... ...around healthcare economics, and McKinsey has a think tank called the McKinse... ...McKinsey has a think tank called the McKinsey Global Institute. It's led by a..., a woman named Diana Farrell. At McKinsey Global Institute, we also peer revie... ...sort of the academic research part of McKinsey . For each project, you have a set o... ...recruited Diana Farrell, who led the McKinsey Global Institute, to be the deput... go back to 2008 or my writings at McKinsey , my hypothesis was that the mos... Show more... Kathleen Sebelius ...sure that all this worked. We had a big McKinsey analysis done about six months out. An... ...because one of the things that the McKinsey folks said was, “Well, if we had don... ...the biggest thing that McKinsey pointed to as a possible flaw and a... Sylvia Burwell ...Cobert was someone I had worked with at McKinsey in New York and [crosstalk]— I forgo... ...[crosstalk]— I forgot to ask you about McKinsey . But it makes so much sens... ...Beth Cobert, I knew her from McKinsey , New York. I had hired her to work a... ...of women in the New York office at McKinsey : Beth Cobert was one, Nancy Killefe... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon