Harvard University - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Harvard University Index / Organizations Transcript Tom Harkin ...education for kids who couldn't go to Harvard [University] or Yale [University] an... Zeke Emanuel ...and received your MD and PhD from Harvard . At any of those three institutions... ...development was important. Then at Harvard Medical School, I was a greatl... ...professors during my time, both at Harvard Medical School but also when I did m... ...School but also when I did my PhD at Harvard , in the medical school, Rashi Fei... ...directions—that was not something Harvard encouraged. It encouraged people wh... Nancy-Ann DeParle ...and after, I think, a year at Harvard Law. That's exactly right. Di... ...thing. My goal had always been Harvard Law School. So I get there, and ... ...do something different.” At the time, Harvard was promoting among law students th... ...for several years after you finished at Harvard Law, and then went on to run th... ...policy and is now a professor at Harvard . I don't remember if he was ... ...of Chicago, is a law professor at Harvard , a brilliant, brilliant man, who le... ...and after, I think, a year at Harvard Law. That's exactly right. Di... ...thing. My goal had always been Harvard Law School. So I get there, and ... ...do something different.” At the time, Harvard was promoting among law students th... ...for several years after you finished at Harvard Law, and then went on to run th... ...policy and is now a professor at Harvard . I don't remember if he was ... ...of Chicago, is a law professor at Harvard , a brilliant, brilliant man, who le... Show more... John Mier ...graduated from Columbia, graduated from Harvard Law, was the editor of the Harvard La... ...from Harvard Law, was the editor of the Harvard Law Review. People, do you know wha... Michael Minor ...I know you studied economics at Harvard University , and I wanted to ask if there wer... ...if there were specific professors at Harvard who influenced how you thought abou... ...a math major? One of the things about Harvard is that the college encourages you t... ...said, You know what? There's a major at Harvard that captures that. Economics. There'... ...took the whole economics major at Harvard in one year and summer school. M... ...of the presidents, because, you know, Harvard and economics, the presidents, and no... ...deal for anybody, for this graduate of Harvard , and this young guy down here talkin... ...sister would have never went to Harvard Medical School if I hadn't been u... ...my cousin went to medical school at Harvard , she met Michelle Robinson. She ende... ...of Government Institute of Politics [at Harvard University ], he and his wife, and we hit it off... ...talking about health and whatnot from Harvard —because most folks thought I was ... Show more... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon