Princeton University - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Princeton University Index / Organizations Transcript Aneesh Chopra ...our graduates went to Harvard, Princeton , Stanford, Yale, etc., etc. It ha... ...But he was a scholar, Rhodes Scholar; Princeton , right? But he had a moment in hi... Lisa Jackson ...went on to do your graduate work at Princeton . Were there particular professors a... ...traditionally. Then, when I went to Princeton , George Pinder had been at Princeto... Princeton, George Pinder had been at Princeton doing the initial studies around th... Peter Orszag ...did. And I think that grew at Princeton [University], and then certainl... ...course, was one of your professors at Princeton . Can you talk a bit about how tha... ...Technology], then became a professor at Princeton , and professor at Yale [University... ...intuitive sense to me. When I was at Princeton —and I hope I'm not getting the timin... ...freshman year, I had actually gone to Princeton wanting to major in the Woodrow Wilso... Steven Chu ...This is like everybody getting As at Princeton [University] and Stanford [University]... ...National Academy [of Sciences], Princeton professor for a long time after Bel... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon