Centers for Disease Control and Prevention - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Index / Organizations Transcript Elizabeth Fowler ...FDA [Food and Drug Administration] and CDC [Centers for Disease Control an... ...and Drug Administration] and CDC [ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ], etc. And the Finance Committee, ou... Kathleen Sebelius ...there were times where, for instance, CDC [Centers for Disease Control... ...of the president, demanding that the CDC put out guidance that said schools wil... closed. And the acting head of the CDC then, Dr. Rich Besser, made a ver... side with Anne Schuchat from the CDC and let them debate. We finally had ... ...Frieden, who was the director of the CDC , and I made a trip to New York an... ...there were times where, for instance, CDC [Centers for Disease Control... ...of the president, demanding that the CDC put out guidance that said schools wil... closed. And the acting head of the CDC then, Dr. Rich Besser, made a ver... side with Anne Schuchat from the CDC and let them debate. We finally had ... ...Frieden, who was the director of the CDC , and I made a trip to New York an... Show more... Nancy Nielsen were very involved with the CDC [Centers for Disease Control an... ...were very involved with the CDC [ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ]. I was not intimately involved i... Regina Benjamin ...Institutes of Health], through the CDC [Centers for Disease Control an... ...of Health], through the CDC [ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ]. All the smoking reports are throug... ...All the smoking reports are through the CDC . The Office of Mental—SAMHSA, th... the time, I had three of them. But CDC was a major sponsor for me. Ou... ...them on board and work with them. The CDC was kind of the lead group for th... ...sort of, mutually developed with the CDC or the NIH? How does that work if ther... ...being the other [unclear], the CDC or NIH or whatever—often have th... ...have gone either to our office or the CDC , or whatever, and over time it kep... future listeners. It's still on the CDC website, so they can find it there. ... ...and all of these. We came together with CDC and had one of these Twitter chat... ...they'd say, “You take that one,” or “ CDC , take this answer,” and whatever. I'... ...they're in agencies, like NIH or CDC . They're located—we have surveillanc... ...particularly physicians that are in CDC . So when you hear CDC sent a team ou... ...that are in CDC. So when you hear CDC sent a team out to, you know, there wa..., you know, there was a disaster and CDC deployed a team—those are Public Healt... Show more... Sylvia Burwell ...other than the ACA, including the CDC [Centers for Disease Control an... ...other than the ACA, including the CDC [ Centers for Disease Control and Prevention ], NIH [National Institutes of Health]... ...hold. We lose that case; we open up the CDC 's Emergency Response Center; and w... ...because it was so international—and CDC to agree on, here are the key measure... ...Whether it was a partnership to build a CDC for Africa or—the Chinese were ther... around that, whether it's NIH, CDC , BARDA [Biomedical Advanced Researc... smallpox. It's like, Really? At a CDC lab? Is that what you're talkin... ...then also there were—was it anthrax? CDC had problems in how they were handlin... ...of the damage of organizations like the CDC and the FDA [Food and Dru... Show more... Tom Harkin ...all those public health people at the CDC [Centers for Disease Control] an... Jim Houser print money or—we don't have a CDC or an FDA at each state. There are al... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon