Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - Obama Presidency Oral History Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Index / Organizations Transcript Aneesh Chopra So inside either HHS or CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicai... ...a political appointee, an employee—of CMS . He was responsible for the Medicar... ...So there was some deference inside the CMS team that had responsibility for—onc... ...for a lot of these assumptions. CMS , as an institutional power, was give... ...and I would say— Are you saying CMS as in content management system, o... ...because we were not micromanaging how CMS was going to do its job. We were reall... Show more... Bob Kocher She knew all that. She knew at CMS [Centers for Medicare & Medicai... ...She knew all that. She knew at CMS [ Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services ], there's a legendary woman named Li... Elizabeth Fowler ...the secretary. It was then moved under CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicai... Kathleen Sebelius ...We had assigned the job to CMS , the Centers for Medicare and Medicai... ...the original phase—is, in addition to CMS being in charge, there should've bee... drive it. That was sort of the CMS administrator, but she was doing a lo... office, who had worked at CMS , was my lead in making sure that al... ...had an emergency series of meetings at CMS with the contractors, with othe... Nancy Nielsen ...& Medicaid Innovation [CMMI] in the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS]. How did you come to be invite... ...for Medicare & Medicaid Services [ CMS ]. How did you come to be invited t... ...being stood up as a new entity within CMS [. And I didn't want to leave my job. ... Sylvia Burwell ...important hire was Kevin Counihan at CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicai... Nancy-Ann DeParle ...Financing Administration, or HCFA, now CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicai... ...Administration, what's now called CMS . And it says something like, “There i... ...and Human Services], running HCFA, now CMS . Now that was hard work, to be sure... ...last conversation we had. I was running CMS at the time, or HCFA. He was still a... ...helpful friend to me when I was running CMS . When I became the administrator i... ...some state insurance people, because CMS has never done this before, and I wan... ...that I didn't know from my time in CMS . And both on the Republican and th... ...who had been the administrator for CMS under President Bush, said, “Mos... ...had, and especially when I was running CMS . I was confirmed to run CMS righ... ...was running CMS. I was confirmed to run CMS right after the Balanced Budget Act o... ...administration; and Tom Scully, former CMS administrator during George W. Bush'... ...and we talked about my running CMS . We talked about Rockwood, Tennessee... ...specialty societies, from my time at CMS . Because CMS is the largest payer fo... ...societies, from my time at CMS. Because CMS is the largest payer for hospitals an... ...of providers. But when I was running CMS , there was not a drug benefit fo... ...No. I knew him from when I ran CMS a little bit. And then I knew him—i... ...Financing Administration, or HCFA, now CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicai... ...Administration, what's now called CMS . And it says something like, “There i... ...and Human Services], running HCFA, now CMS . Now that was hard work, to be sure... ...last conversation we had. I was running CMS at the time, or HCFA. He was still a... ...helpful friend to me when I was running CMS . When I became the administrator i... ...some state insurance people, because CMS has never done this before, and I wan... ...that I didn't know from my time in CMS . And both on the Republican and th... ...who had been the administrator for CMS under President Bush, said, “Mos... ...had, and especially when I was running CMS . I was confirmed to run CMS righ... ...was running CMS. I was confirmed to run CMS right after the Balanced Budget Act o... ...administration; and Tom Scully, former CMS administrator during George W. Bush'... ...and we talked about my running CMS . We talked about Rockwood, Tennessee... ...specialty societies, from my time at CMS . Because CMS is the largest payer fo... ...societies, from my time at CMS. Because CMS is the largest payer for hospitals an... ...of providers. But when I was running CMS , there was not a drug benefit fo... ...No. I knew him from when I ran CMS a little bit. And then I knew him—i... Show more... Jeanne Lambrew ...Berwick, who then became the acting CMS [Centers for Medicare and Medicai... ...Brooks-LaSure, who is currently the CMS administrator. we try to identif... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon