Department of Labor - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Department of Labor Index / Organizations Transcript Andrew Stern ...transition team, particularly on the Labor Department secretary and some other appointments—... Elizabeth Fowler ...Department of the Treasury, with the Department of Labor , all of—being part of thos... ...more of a constituency with HHS and the Labor Department , if that makes any sense. So ... Kathleen Sebelius, and I think Hilda Solis from the Department of Labor , and Tom to come—we went to thi... Nancy Sutley ...Act helped to do that. Then, the Department of Labor , in particular—they fund workforc... Richard Trumka ...He just appointed a union buster to the Department of Labor [DOL]. Here's what the Department o... ...buster to the Department of Labor [ DOL ]. Here's what the Department of Labo... ...of Labor [DOL]. Here's what the Department of Labor did.” So we told them how it affecte... He appointed great people to the Department of Labor . He appointed great people to the NLR... ...of labor by appointing people to the DOL .” But they don't have any say i... ...of all he named good people to the Department of Labor and good people to the NLRB. He di... Show more... Tom Harkin ...and the Wage and Hour Division of the Department of Labor , two prongs on that. Now, I change... Nancy-Ann DeParle on our own? Is there funding at the Department of Labor that we could use to create a bigge... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon