Social Security Administration - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Social Security Administration Index / Organizations Transcript Andrew Stern ...Medicaid. It diminishes the need for Social Security as the only thing that people have t... the end of your life because Social Security will probably not be enough. Is ther... ...there another employer-funded add-on to Social Security like Australia has——superannuatio... Elizabeth Fowler ...was all the entitlement programs in the Social Security Act; so Medicare, Medicaid, Children'... ...majorities. If you look back at Social Security , at Medicare, at Medicaid, American... ...Department of Homeland Security, the Social Security Administration . You're building in this complexit... Max Baucus ...that with Medicare. Contrast that with Social Security . It was paltry in the beginning. Bu... ...bipartisanship—more back then—certainly Social Security and Medicare. So, it was important t... ...can't do it all. And going back, again, Social Security and Medicare, you build. It's iterativ... ...keep building, like Medicare and Social Security , in little ways you can, time t... Neera Tanden ...ACA; they will go after Medicaid and Social Security . You can do what you want, but th... Peter Orszag ...y; “Let's talk about tax reform or Social Security reform, or whatever,” and usually thes... ...example is the retirement age under Social Security , the normal retirement age, which i... Sylvia Burwell ...paths. There's big deal, which does Social Security and Medicare and that kind of stuff... Tom Harkin ...vice president would agree to put Social Security in this kind of jeopardy. Never did ... ...president beginning the unraveling of Social Security . I warn my colleagues to consider th... ...proud to belong to.” I'm talking about Social Security . “The Democratic Party, with ... now beginning the unraveling of Social Security . That is what is happening, th... what is happening, the unraveling of Social Security . Never again can any one of us come t... ...floor and say, ‘No, no, we cannot cut Social Security to reduce the deficit, because it doe... the deficit.' With this agreement, Social Security will add to the deficit by one hundre... ...always saying, “Oh, we've got to cut Social Security because we've got a big deficit.” Well... ...funds from general revenue going into Social Security . So this was the first time that wa... ...general revenues and put it into the Social Security trust fund. We had never done tha... Show more... Jeanne Lambrew ...was, you name it, all these different— Social Security reform was being discussed, lots o... ...There are other things that are simple. Social Security —not that hard. But healthcare has s... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon