European Union - Obama Presidency Oral History European Union Index / Organizations Transcript Heather Zichal a pandemic. You look at what the EU [European Union] is doing to make—the... ...a pandemic. You look at what the EU [ European Union ] is doing to make—they have a hug... Nancy Sutley ...we had somebody who had worked on the European Union 's emission trading system, as well a... Steven Chu ...are three major players. There's the EU [European Union], there's US, an... ...three major players. There's the EU [ European Union ], there's US, and China, in terms o... that time, something like that. And EU was already on board, setting policie... can get China, US, and the EU [European Union] to make a substantia... can get China, US, and the EU [ European Union ] to make a substantial pledge, knowin... ...time, relative to even the US and the EU . So that would be a mechanism. Again... ...are three major players. There's the EU [European Union], there's US, an... ...three major players. There's the EU [ European Union ], there's US, and China, in terms o... that time, something like that. And EU was already on board, setting policie... can get China, US, and the EU [European Union] to make a substantia... can get China, US, and the EU [ European Union ] to make a substantial pledge, knowin... ...time, relative to even the US and the EU . So that would be a mechanism. Again... Show more... Sylvia Burwell ...remember my economics tutorials on the European Union . I think they're much more effectiv... Todd Stern, so I started doing diplomacy with EU , with—my Chinese counterpart came. Th... ...most other countries, certainly the EU and developing countries all around... ...the biggest, was an effort by the EU —and this, by the way, is evocative o... the way, is evocative of the way the EU approaches things a little bi... be concerned about it. But the EU , quite understandably—and honestly ... shorthand as, that's the ex ante EU proposal. They want to basically tak... ...and we were right. We supported the EU , but we also made it clear that w... ...with the developed countries, with the EU . Right away, in February, I went t... ...thought nobody ever believed the EU would walk away. And it's not becaus... ...with their own politics. And for the EU , their politics told them they neede... ...reasons, whatever. Actually, an EU friend or UK friend of mine at on... ...or UK friend of mine at one point— EU /UK, it was the same back the... ...the progressive alliance that the EU was at the center of going back to th... ...going back to the Durban COP, where the EU brought a bunch of progressiv... ...with China, India, and Brazil, and the EU was really making the progressiv... ...never been part of the group that the EU originally organized. This actuall... ...on one side it's the minister from the EU , Miguel Cañete, and on the other sid... ...not just US diplomacy, of course. EU and China and many others played a bi... ...leads to the Paris Agreement, where the EU is really important, where the island..., so I started doing diplomacy with EU , with—my Chinese counterpart came. Th... ...most other countries, certainly the EU and developing countries all around... ...the biggest, was an effort by the EU —and this, by the way, is evocative o... the way, is evocative of the way the EU approaches things a little bi... be concerned about it. But the EU , quite understandably—and honestly ... shorthand as, that's the ex ante EU proposal. They want to basically tak... ...and we were right. We supported the EU , but we also made it clear that w... ...with the developed countries, with the EU . Right away, in February, I went t... ...thought nobody ever believed the EU would walk away. And it's not becaus... ...with their own politics. And for the EU , their politics told them they neede... ...reasons, whatever. Actually, an EU friend or UK friend of mine at on... ...or UK friend of mine at one point— EU /UK, it was the same back the... ...the progressive alliance that the EU was at the center of going back to th... ...going back to the Durban COP, where the EU brought a bunch of progressiv... ...with China, India, and Brazil, and the EU was really making the progressiv... ...never been part of the group that the EU originally organized. This actuall... ...on one side it's the minister from the EU , Miguel Cañete, and on the other sid... ...not just US diplomacy, of course. EU and China and many others played a bi... ...leads to the Paris Agreement, where the EU is really important, where the island... Show more... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon