Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions Index / Organizations Transcript Bob Kocher ...if he were there. He was chair of the Health Committee . When he left and Chris Dodd becam... ...and Senate Finance Committee bills. The Health Committee bill included a public option, but th... ...for weeks, and I was on a team with the Health Committee , going through each of the sections o... Kathleen Sebelius ...Senate bills, because there was a Health Committee and the Finance Committee. And neithe... Max Baucus ...The House releases its bill. And the Health Committee — Sorry, the— The Democrats i... ...itself, releases its bill. And the Health Committee releases its bill at the time as well... Tom Harkin ...Obama, Hillary, and Dodd, on my Health Committee . So I caucused in Des Moines. I ha... ...where Kennedy said—he divided up our Health Committee into four sections. One was preventio... ...was wearing two hats. He was on the Health Committee , but he was also Banking Committee... ...But I was carrying the load for the Health Committee . And then our ranking members—Mik... ...course, by this time, I'm chair of the Health Committee . And we're seeking money for meetin... ...Obama, Hillary, and Dodd, on my Health Committee . So I caucused in Des Moines. I ha... ...where Kennedy said—he divided up our Health Committee into four sections. One was preventio... ...was wearing two hats. He was on the Health Committee , but he was also Banking Committee... ...But I was carrying the load for the Health Committee . And then our ranking members—Mik... ...course, by this time, I'm chair of the Health Committee . And we're seeking money for meetin... Show more... Zeke Emanuel ...set to work to combine the Health Committee bill and the Senate Finance Committe... ...the Senate Finance Committee bills. The Health Committee bill included a public option, but th... Nancy-Ann DeParle ...I don't really recall which version the Health Committee ended up adopting, but that was a... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon