John Kennedy - Obama Presidency Oral History John Kennedy Index / People Transcript Kate Orff ...known by most as probably being next to JFK [John F. Kennedy] Airport. So I starte... Nancy Sutley ...then Assemblywoman Solis got the JFK Library Profiles in Courage Award fo... Tom Harkin ...about three weeks before the election, President Kennedy sent Air Force One out to pick u... ...on, 1972. What was inspiring about John Kennedy 's election? Say what? I'm sorry. Sa... ...that again. What was inspiring about John Kennedy 's election? Well, he was young. An... ...still quite a hero, and a big friend of President Kennedy 's, as a matter of fact, at that time... ...reminded me of? It reminded me of the John Kennedy phenomenon. People just wanted to reac... Arun Majumdar ...a watt? No one will understand. If President Kennedy can have the moonshot, I thin... Joe Del Bosque ...they hadn't built those—Pat Brown and John Kennedy got together and they built these tw... ...I brought a paper with a picture of President Kennedy and Governor Brown. And I handed it t... this, like they did back in John Kennedy 's day. I think most of the people i... Related Topics go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy go to the Healthcare Healthcare Veterans Coming soon Nuclear Nonproliferation Coming soon Hawaii Coming soon