Sarah Palin - Obama Presidency Oral History Sarah Palin Index / People Transcript Elizabeth Fowler ...set up “death panels,” an argument that Governor Sarah Palin first advanced. As an observer in th... Heather Zichal ...drill, baby, drill. And then you had [Sarah] Palin , who was chosen from the state o... Kathleen Sebelius ...stories about healthcare reform, like Governor Palin , directly about things like deat... ...I was already—I mean, I had served with Sarah Palin for a couple of years, but I had no... Max Baucus ...response to the House bill. And [Sarah L.] Palin 's characterization of the advanc... Peter Orszag ...or another; it just needs to be done. Sarah [L.] Palin , of course, helped to politicize th... Zeke Emanuel ...panels,” an argument first advanced by Sarah Palin . I wanted to ask: Were you surprise... But you know, the nonsense that Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann, among others... Nancy-Ann DeParle ...panels,” an argument first advanced by Sarah Palin . Were you surprised by the extent t... ...the August Tea Party activity, and Sarah Palin saying “death panels,” I was back i... be so. Suddenly, because of the way Sarah Palin characterized it, we had to run awa... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon