Ronald Reagan - Obama Presidency Oral History Ronald Reagan Index / People Transcript Bill McKibben ...Hampshire, and was there the night that Reagan declared, “I paid for this microphone,... the shadow of the man who beat him, Ronald Reagan . So they wanted nothing to do wit... Carol Browner ...And oh, by the way, under your theory, Ronald Reagan 's life would have been worth almos... it quickly. Thank you. In the Reagan era, the Congress gets mad—it's ... ...static list based on the science in the Reagan era, and now we're in the Clinto... ...Well, in some ways, it starts with Reagan , because Reagan starts to say—I'm no... ...ways, it starts with Reagan, because Reagan starts to say—I'm not going to get hi... ...And oh, by the way, under your theory, Ronald Reagan 's life would have been worth almos... it quickly. Thank you. In the Reagan era, the Congress gets mad—it's ... ...static list based on the science in the Reagan era, and now we're in the Clinto... ...Well, in some ways, it starts with Reagan , because Reagan starts to say—I'm no... ...ways, it starts with Reagan, because Reagan starts to say—I'm not going to get hi... Show more... Don Verrilli ...his time when he was a lawyer in the [Ronald] Reagan administration. This was all publi... Richard Trumka put it in perspective too. First [Ronald] Reagan busted unions, the PATCO [Professiona... Nancy-Ann DeParle be challenged in that—this is before Reagan was elected. After Reagan was elected... before Reagan was elected. After Reagan was elected, definitely there wer... John Mier ...didn't win surprisingly. [Laughs] [Ronald] Reagan had come in and wanted to do his mach... Nancy Sutley ...have changed, but there's a [Ronald W.] Reagan –era executive order on cost-benefi... Robert Trapp ...the end of the Star Wars thing, when Reagan was going to shoot down all the nuclea... ...think a Republican has done that since Reagan maybe. I think we were all shocked tha... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon