Jinping Xi - Obama Presidency Oral History Back Jinping Xi Index / People Transcript Max Baucus ...of interest by the Chinese, including President Xi [Jinping] . And after a while—of course, i... ...upset he was with Kim Jong-un, President Xi . He just indicated—he says he has ... ...with him, just can't get Kim where he— Xi —wants him to be. But there was no... ...with—did you have much interaction with Xi Jinping , or Premier Li [Keqiang], for example... ...and we'd meet and talk. But no, I saw President Xi quite often. But again, it was only i... ...the hands of the hawks in China. Xi Jinping , like any leader, has to listen to th... ...And if the hawks have the upper hands, Xi Jinping is going to go one way. If reformers... ...going to pay the price. I think even Xi Jinping understands that to a large degree... ...that corruption is there. And when President Xi started “cracking down” and arresting ... ...yes, there's some corruption. But when President Xi started to crack down, he did—you coul... ...And the people on the street loved President Xi for it. They liked it—he's crackin... ...summit between President Obama and Xi , I was struck with how much Hong Kon... ...Kong seemed to be under the skin of President Xi . He raised it twice, basically saying... ...much there. But during that summit, President Xi went on to talk about the role o... ...it was just—Hong Kong is a big deal to President Xi . So I'm not at all surprised—a... ...the hands or the resolve, frankly, of President Xi not to give “more human rights” in th... ...understanding that Hong Kong gets under Xi 's skin because it denies him th... ...rule, that's a problem for me, President Xi .” And that's a real problem. You don'... ...submerged reefs and making islands. And President Xi said, “No, no, we're not going t... ...in September of 2014 to prepare for the Xi -Obama summit that was going to happe... ...three-ring binder, sitting next to President Xi , who's going through her talkers... ...other—like this—other meetings between Xi and Obama. At the summit in Beijing i... ...November around climate change, there's Xi 's state visit in September of 2015... ...in September of 2015. There's Obama and Xi at the G20 meeting in China. What woul... ...his list of issues he wanted to talk to President Xi about. Then, he left. A little whil... ...to Premier Li. The meeting was not with Xi , but it was with Premier Li. I said—L... ...We Americans need to understand. When President Xi came over for the '15 summit, ... ...I wanted to do the same thing with President Xi . I wanted to be at DC when Presiden... ...President Xi. I wanted to be at DC when President Xi got off the plane. Now, how in th... ...possible, and just very privately look President Xi straight in the eye and say, ‘Uh-uh... ...that is what Obama did when he met with Xi . Only people there was Obama, Susa... ...Jim [James W.] Brown, our interpreter, Xi Jinping , Yang Jiechi, and hi... Show more... Steven Chu ...really happened, I think, is Obama and Xi Jinping actually decided they're not going t... ...trained. They're engineers. Up until Xi Jinping , in the previous—they have thes... ...the deal that President Obama and President Xi Jinping brokered before the agreement wher... ...really happened, I think, is Obama and Xi Jinping actually decided they're not going t... ...trained. They're engineers. Up until Xi Jinping , in the previous—they have thes... ...the deal that President Obama and President Xi Jinping brokered before the agreement wher... Show more... Todd Stern ...to seven years later when Obama and Xi [Jinping] sit down in Paris on the first day o... ...day of Paris for their bilateral, and Xi basically repeats that line back t... ...The Chinese, by the way—that was not Xi Jinping back then. That was President Hu. H... ...I think was quite a big thing. Then, Xi Jinping was coming. I guess he was probabl... ...Chinese is, “Obama will discuss it with Xi .” If we don't finish, we'll let th... ...all of a sudden Obama is working with Xi on climate, and Kerry is working wit... ...guys might be uncomfortable, but Xi Jinping might think this is a big deal. That... ...thing for us, because if you imagine Xi Jinping and Obama walking down the aisl... ...it. Then Kerry and I went and met with Xi Jinping and met with Li Keqiang, the premier... ...meetings with the president and with Xi and blah, blah, blah. He's got a lot t... ...to? I'll talk to anybody. I'll talk to President Xi . I'll talk to Li Keqiang. I'll talk t... ...said Obama was going to talk to Xi about that, and they basically said g... ...a big step. Rousseff, again, just like Xi after walking down the aisle wit... ...2015 was oriented around the fact that Xi Jinping was coming to Washington for a stat... ...He talked on the phone with Modi, Xi , and [Jacob] Zuma from South Afric... ...gave his. Then he did a bilateral with Xi , which was correct. Not any sense o... ...pillar in our relationship. And President Xi basically used words a little bi... ...to seven years later when Obama and Xi [Jinping] sit down in Paris on the first day o... ...day of Paris for their bilateral, and Xi basically repeats that line back t... ...The Chinese, by the way—that was not Xi Jinping back then. That was President Hu. H... ...I think was quite a big thing. Then, Xi Jinping was coming. I guess he was probabl... ...Chinese is, “Obama will discuss it with Xi .” If we don't finish, we'll let th... ...all of a sudden Obama is working with Xi on climate, and Kerry is working wit... ...guys might be uncomfortable, but Xi Jinping might think this is a big deal. That... ...thing for us, because if you imagine Xi Jinping and Obama walking down the aisl... ...it. Then Kerry and I went and met with Xi Jinping and met with Li Keqiang, the premier... ...meetings with the president and with Xi and blah, blah, blah. He's got a lot t... ...to? I'll talk to anybody. I'll talk to President Xi . I'll talk to Li Keqiang. I'll talk t... ...said Obama was going to talk to Xi about that, and they basically said g... ...a big step. Rousseff, again, just like Xi after walking down the aisle wit... ...2015 was oriented around the fact that Xi Jinping was coming to Washington for a stat... ...He talked on the phone with Modi, Xi , and [Jacob] Zuma from South Afric... ...gave his. Then he did a bilateral with Xi , which was correct. Not any sense o... ...pillar in our relationship. And President Xi basically used words a little bi... Show more... Christy Goldfuss ...to [Narendra] Modi in India, or talk to President Xi [Jinping] in China, than to say, “I am dedicatin... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon