Climate Action Plan - Obama Presidency Oral History Index / Policies Climate Action Plan Transcript Bill McKibben ...Georgetown University, he announced the Climate Action Plan . Do you think that the president'... Frances Beinecke ...2009, we didn't get the National Climate Action Plan out of the president until June 2013... announce the administration's Climate Action Plan . And, among other things, th... Gina McCarthy ...confirmation process, he unveiled his Climate Action Plan , which, of course, I had been heavil... be strong on it. And that's what Climate Action Plan was all about, bringing everybody t... Nancy Sutley ...So that was ultimately reflected in the Climate Action Plan . But we had been doing that. We ha... ...Standards, and then ask you about the Climate Action Plan . [INTERRUPTION] I wanted to as... ...of 2013, the president laid out his Climate Action Plan for the second term and framed th... ...role in building or constructing the Climate Action Plan , and I wanted to first ask you abou... ...CEQ? Yes. In other words, the Climate Action Plan was always seen as part of what wa... ...we're on the international part of the Climate Action Plan . The same month that the presiden... you contributed to drafting the Climate Action Plan ? Probably. I'm trying to remembe... ...So that was ultimately reflected in the Climate Action Plan . But we had been doing that. We ha... ...Standards, and then ask you about the Climate Action Plan . [INTERRUPTION] I wanted to as... ...of 2013, the president laid out his Climate Action Plan for the second term and framed th... ...role in building or constructing the Climate Action Plan , and I wanted to first ask you abou... ...CEQ? Yes. In other words, the Climate Action Plan was always seen as part of what wa... ...we're on the international part of the Climate Action Plan . The same month that the presiden... you contributed to drafting the Climate Action Plan ? Probably. I'm trying to remembe... Show more... Todd Stern ...speech but also set out a whole big Climate Action Plan . It's the thing he ultimately brough... ...ultimately the Georgetown speech and Climate Action Plan , and then all on top of implementin... Christy Goldfuss ...came together every week to discuss the Climate Action Plan . Podesta would come to thos... ...for all of that success. What was the Climate Action Plan ? What are the key components of it? ... ...a fairly large document called “The Climate Action Plan .” It had three pillars. One wa... ...the three legs of the stool for the Climate Action Plan , and each one of us who occupied on... ...of actions that were outlined in that Climate Action Plan . Mr. Podesta told me that earl... ...I just made all these promises in the Climate Action Plan . I can't have another debacle lik... ...across the federal government, and the Climate Action Plan was the road map that really gav... ...were in the final two years where the Climate Action Plan was in full swing and Dr. Holdren ha... Show more... Joe Del Bosque ...and deal with climate change was its Climate Action Plan . And, again, if my research i... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon