Paris Agreement - Obama Presidency Oral History Index / Policies Paris Agreement Transcript Bill McKibben ...In December of 2015, in discussing the Paris Agreement in the context of climate activism, on... ...bigger in the coming years, so that the Paris Agreement turns into a floor and not a ceilin... ...movement need to change after the Paris Agreement ? There's nothing very complex abou... Gina McCarthy ...of our allies, or part of the Paris Agreement , I feel pretty confident that as lon... Lisa Jackson ...on, which later, of course, became the Paris Accords . In terms of how you saw the abilit... Todd Stern ...the US effort in negotiating the Paris Agreement and in all bilateral and multilatera... the seven years leading up to the Paris Agreement . He also worked in that capacity o... ...the US effort in negotiating the Paris Agreement and in all bilateral and multilatera... ...It's just an annex. It's not the big Paris Agreement .” From my point of view, once w... ...included, and that became part of the Paris Agreement itself. That was pretty much ... understanding the achievement of the Paris Agreement ? Of course, it's not just at th... ...a way that they could not point to the Paris Agreement and say, “See, this gives us a cause.... is going to be referred to in the Paris Agreement or the accompanying Paris decision... work on this with Obama until the Paris Agreement , how important was US diplomacy t... ...negotiate a mandate that leads to the Paris Agreement , where the EU is really important... ...just no way we would've landed with a Paris Agreement in the absence of the United States... look at the elements of the Paris Agreement that were central, it was an ambitiou... ...the US effort in negotiating the Paris Agreement and in all bilateral and multilatera... the seven years leading up to the Paris Agreement . He also worked in that capacity o... ...the US effort in negotiating the Paris Agreement and in all bilateral and multilatera... ...It's just an annex. It's not the big Paris Agreement .” From my point of view, once w... ...included, and that became part of the Paris Agreement itself. That was pretty much ... understanding the achievement of the Paris Agreement ? Of course, it's not just at th... ...a way that they could not point to the Paris Agreement and say, “See, this gives us a cause.... is going to be referred to in the Paris Agreement or the accompanying Paris decision... work on this with Obama until the Paris Agreement , how important was US diplomacy t... ...negotiate a mandate that leads to the Paris Agreement , where the EU is really important... ...just no way we would've landed with a Paris Agreement in the absence of the United States... look at the elements of the Paris Agreement that were central, it was an ambitiou... Show more... Christy Goldfuss ...was very deliberately focused on the Paris Agreement and being able to signal around th... Heather Zichal ...strong foundation for what became the Paris Accords . Do you remember where that ide... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon