Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act - Obama Presidency Oral History Index / Policies Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act Transcript Elizabeth Fowler ...bill that was introduced as America's Healthy Future Act? I don't recall, actually... ... I think that's right. The America's Healthy Future Act of 2009 didn't have a publi... Regina Benjamin the Surgeon General's Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation released in 2010. ... ...The other part of the Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation was—remember, I sai... joy, just having fun being healthy. Healthy foods don't have to taste bad. We ca... ...this particular campaign, Vision for a Healthy and Fit Nation, I have a friend fro... ...also wanted to ask, while we're on the Healthy and Fit Nation, at the event you hel... different things. In Chicago, it's Healthy Chicago. In San Diego, named something... Show more... Sarah Holway ...together this legislation called the Healthy Schools Act. It wasn't that popular a... ...So that's what we did. As soon as the Healthy Schools Act was passed and we realize... ...White House visit was working on the Healthy Schools Act. On that working group... ...or more expansive funding in the Healthy Schools Act? The whole country becam... ...Stoddert [Elementary School]. After the Healthy Schools Act passed, I spent a lot o... be funded through your work on the Healthy Schools Act? I was also stil... Show more... Michael Minor ...I wanted to ask about the origins of Healthy Congregations. Of course, you arrive... ...Network path, I worked with the Healthy Congregations, which was an initiativ... ...that from the work I was doing with Healthy Congregations. They were doing a whol... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon