US Chamber of Commerce - Obama Presidency Oral History Back US Chamber of Commerce Index / Organizations Transcript Andrew Stern ...a trade association, similar to the Chamber of Commerce . Organizations could drop out, an... Aneesh Chopra ...funny. Very rarely do you have the Chamber of Commerce , the labor unions, and Hollywood al... Bill McKibben ...And it's also the headquarters of the US Chamber of Commerce , is in the same building [sic; nex... fact, we saw the guy who runs the Chamber of Commerce was meeting someone else across the ba... Max Baucus ...time I was over there—we organized the US Chamber of Commerce to write a really tough letter—the U... ...letter. The US—excuse me, the European Chamber of Commerce a very tough letter. Same thing wit... Nancy-Ann DeParle ...a number of the large companies in the Chamber of Commerce , were healthcare companies. So the... ...they were spending—groups, through the Chamber of Commerce and others, that were opposed to i... Jeanne Lambrew ...Roundtable during health reform. Chamber of Commerce , clearly, at the end of th... Related Topics go to the Healthcare Healthcare go to the Climate, Environment, and Energy Climate, Environment, and Energy Middle East Coming soon Atlantic Relations Coming soon Financial Reform and Regulation Coming soon